Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Peculiar Mansion

I was in a mansion on the peak of a mountain and had my camera with me. There were several possible routes to take in order to get from a room to any of the other rooms in the house. One of the routes I explored took me in to a narrow tunnel on the second story so small that I had to crawl through it. There windows in the tunnel facing outside over ivy covering the mountain below.

A scepter began to rise out of the ground on a flat spot on the mountain below me. The top of the scepter looked like a giant human iris, with wispy tangles of darker color coming from the center. I noticed that some distance away was a dark patch on a different mountain that was almost an oval in shape, and so I moved along the tunnel looking through my camera and tried to line the two up to make an eye. Unfortunately, my movement in the tunnel was very linear and I couldn't quite find a place to sit that would allow me to line the two up properly.

I moved through the tunnel and ended up in a medium-sized room with wood floors and paneling which reminded me of something I would expect in a fancy colonial-era building, like where an American founding father might have lived. It had four staircases with two situated in the front corners leading down to the lobby. I went down one staircase in the middle of the room. A service lady was coming up the stairs. I got out of her way and she said something about her lower status.

At the bottom of the stairs was a small alcove with some crowded seating with walls on three sides. It appeared that the staircase I chose was one for servants.

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