Sunday, November 26, 2006

The CIA is hiding a Squid

I was sitting in a deserted school with one of my best friends, when my other best friend, who was a bird, flew in and pecked around an electric enclosure above us for wires. We asked if he was on a scavenger hunt. He gave me a puzzle.

In front of me was a deep pit, and in it were a tree with falling leaves, and some mushrooms. I had to match up the falling leaves to the mushrooms and some other nonsense to get the mushrooms to rise up and form a bridge to get across the abyss. Further down were a large wall of mushrooms blocking my path entirely.

I went back to the room I started in and sat down and worked on a difficult homework problem. We got up and we went to a fancy restaurant with some of her friends I didn't know. They all ordered dessert but I didn't eat any.

After hanging out with my friend and her friends I went to hang out with my other friend and his friends. I drove us all in a big gray truck. The truck had a large cab with raised seats behind, two side doors to the cab, one side door to the cargo area, and a large roll-up truck door at the back. There was no separator between the cabin and the cargo area, so you could get in to the back seats by hopping over them from the back.

We ended up in a CIA headquarters surrounded by a razor wire fence. It looked like a shipping yard except there was no water nearby. Giant aluminum sheds like aircraft hangers were all over, and the entire landscape seemed gray and flat. After some wandering outside the parked truck, we found a giant dead squid two stories tall in a transparent plastic bag hanging from a hook attached to the trusses inside an aluminum shelter and I took pictures of it.

Secret agents in black armored vehicles swarmed in from every direction, and ran into my truck in the process, knocking the halfway fender off. A security guard walked up to me and said we should leave now, and then asked me for a parts list for my truck so that he could send them to me and I could repair it. They left, but made it clear that we had to go.

We started to leave, but we decided to go back so that one of the guys could check out a piece of graffiti he saw. On the back of the squid were the words "Fenders are Gay" in red spray paint. For some reason, one of them drew over it in pink and was satisfied.

We turned around and saw something that wasn't there before. Across from the giant squid, in a hanger with a small entrance was a massive mystery creature, dwarfing the squid with even more tentacles, and it was alive. It was floating over the ground under its own power and I thought it was some kind of living mothership for an unknown alien race. It seemed to notice us and we decided to get the hell out of there.

Friday, November 24, 2006


I dreamed that I walked through the Arby's drive through to get food, but I wasn't hungry so I just ordered for my mom. I couldn't remember what to order, and I was that the pay window with nobody there so I went back to the ordering sign to look at the selection. At that moment a guy poked his head out of the window and I told him I was going back because I forgot to order.

When I got to the ordering window, a throng of people went by me and the guy came out (through the window) with the cash register and gave them all of the change, possible for a fundraiser. It seemed to be all pennies.

After they all left, an old Asian man came walking slowly down the driveway the wrong way, and an old lady followed. I told them they were coming the wrong way and the old lady responded, "oh, so there's two lines!" clearly not understanding the situation at all. The old man pushed past me to the window but I got him out of my way to make my order. I ordered a #2, which was something with shrimp in it, and explicitly stated that it was "not #1" which is what my dream-self would normally get. In the dream, a #2 was some kind of burger with onion shreds and stuff stuck on it so it looked kind of jagged.

I walked up closer to the window and walked straight through the wall like a ghost and ended up inside. I talked to the guy who had stuck his head out earlier. He apologized and told me to take an "anti-acid" and try another place. He gave me three brand-name batteries and a bunch of cheap Panasonic ones. He talked about how hard it was to manage the place. I told him "yeah" and looked around at all the different food machines.

I didn't think he was actually the manager, probably just subbing in, so I asked him. He assured me that he was the manager. I began to talk about the good and bad things about that particular store. One bad thing was the parking lot, where people drive like crazy and it's hard to get to the store. I said it was bad to have so many other food places nearby. My perspective changed to an overview of all the stores around there, most of which probably didn't exist. I said how Arby's is better than McDonalds, but a bit more expensive. I said that the next step up is definitely Applebees, and that is way more expensive.

Back on the ground, outside, we walked by a store made of Legos. All the people who got the change from the cash register were inside. We then walked under a blue arch near a Marie Calendar's or Applebees or something. We went back into the store, and then back out. I lost track of him for a second but I saw that he was going back to his car. Instead of backing out, he drove straight over the barrier with plants in it. Everyone nearby saw, and said in unison "it's just ice plant. Fuck ice plant!" and then started singing something horrible and I woke up.