Sunday, February 14, 2010

Disney Land

I dreamed that i went on a trip to Disney Land. When we arrived, it was nothing like I remembered. Everything was indoors, like a giant 4-story mall.

Once inside, we were put with a group and led around by a tour guide. I got bored of the tour and decided to wander off with my friend, and we ended up at a donut shop. We picked out two and went downstairs to sit and eat them. Strangely, there was another donut shop just downstairs.

While sitting and eating, I realized that nobody had been around when we picked out our donuts and we hadn't paid. I went back upstairs to pay for them, but when I got there the person running the store was in the back room having a loud conversation on the phone about someone stealing her inventory. I tried to get her attention so I could clear everything up, but I couldn't get her to look in my direction.

Somewhat worried, I went back downstairs and saw a man with a pocket knife robbing the other donut store! I also had a (flimsy) pocket knife, and so I took it out and yelled at him to stop. He swung in the air in front of him and claimed that he had a longer reach. He was right, and I don't know anything about knife fighting, so I picked up a chair and threw it at him, and then grabbed another and hit him with it as hard as I could. He scrambled to get up, so I backed up in order to throw something else at him. Thankfully I had created some distance, because as soon as he got up he threw his knife at me! I managed to block it with the chair I was holding, and at that moment a big security guard came to detain and question him.

I picked up his knife, which was attached to a black glove, folded the two blades (and a bottle opener, what a strange robber) back in, and put it on my right hand.

The donut shop owners hailed me as a hero, and when I picked out a few to eat they gave them to me for free!

For some reason, the line at the shop became very long, and I decided to follow it to its source. When I got out to the main mall-like area, I saw that the line was almost entirely old people, and it was coming from the food court. I guess that made sense.

I decided to walk where there were less people, to explore the unknown areas. As I was walking by one lonely shop, an energetic man came out and swung at my face, stopping a few inches in front of it, and kept doing this as I walked. He started a sales pitch on some kind of self-defense gloves that had spikes embedded in them, but I just raised my gloved right hand to show that I already had something similar.

Now back on the main path, I reached an area where all the floors were padded and spinning in different directions. It was very difficult to walk from one spinning floor area to another, and I assumed that this must be a kids zone because they're closer to the ground and would have an easier time getting around. On one spinning spot was a large pink couch, and I found some of my friends sitting on it. We sat for a little while, but I decided that there had to be more interesting things to do and continued on my wanderings.

I reached the entrance to some kind of tunnel that led downward and decided to explore it. Once inside, I started slipping and tumbling down a huge bounce-house slide, around corners and somehow even uphill again to complete a lap around the giant racecourse. There was a warning over the loudspeaker telling everyone that the park would clos in 5 minutes, so we had to get going.

A group of others and I decided to stay and try to unravel some of the track's mysteries. Some part of the track had gaps where you had to land on small spring-loaded pillars to cross the void. Far below the track, there seemed to be lava. When you were coming down to hit the pillar you were given a trivia question, and if you got it right the spring would send you going much faster. Some of the guys had managed to get all the trivia correct all the way around the track, and at the end were going so fast that they were able to reach a small golden doorway hundreds of feet above the start/finish line. One, who had made it there several times, described it as "The golden parking lot of 1200. You'll have to see it to understand."

After one particularly acrobatic lap where I almost reached the golden doorway, security seemed to appear out of nowhere to get us to leave, and they were armed with throwing-spears that had nasty steel blades at the end. A few people in the group were hit with them, and instantly disappeared. I grabbed on to the underside of some stone structure underneath the start/finish line and hid there, dangling above the lava.

Eventually most of my group was gone, and they were looking for me and one other. I was spotted and the guard threw his spear at me, but I was able to move and it became lodged in the rock beside me. I pulled it out and threw it back, and the guard evaporated! After doing this another time, the only other person from my group left managed to reach me and hid with me. He told me that the golden door had a trivia question of its own, and that the answers were 1, 8, 0, and 0. We decided that if we got in there, we would be safe.

Right then, the two main overseers of the area appeared in our line of sight and started talking to me, spears in hand. My friend ran off, but I stayed and used the environment I was in to avoid getting hit with spears. After a minute, my friend came around the other side (he completed a lap) with a spear in hand and lunged it at one of the overseers. It hit, but simply bounced off. At this point I gave up hope of any alternative ideas and headed down the course as quickly as I could. I got the questions correct, and was hurtling around at dizzying speed until finally I had enough momentum to get all the way up to the golden doorway. As I was about to shoot through it, time slowed down as I answered the final four questions. 1, 8, 0, 0. Golden light overcame me and I woke up.

1 comment:

  1. hmm i quite like this one.
    unless the golden light
    was your only way to leave your subconcious. @_@ like if you don't finish the dream you wouldn't wake up, type of thing.
