Friday, June 12, 2009

Messed up Murder Mystery

I had a dream that I was in a world similar to the one in Zelda: Majora's Mask, where the moon was going to crash in to the city, so end of the world was inevitable and everyone only had three days to live. I had a special ability and I could reset time to go back to the first day and live it again. My goal was to fix all the problems with the city, and then stop the moon from crashing in to the world so everyone was saved and happy.

One of the tasks I took upon myself was to solve a murder mystery. On the first day everyone was watching a play, and then the stage and actors unexpectedly rotated out of view. When the stage had rotated all the way around, we all saw that the main actress had been stabbed!

I followed various trails for the next couple days but none of them led anywhere. Eventually, on the night of the last day when everyone was freaking out and having their existential crises, I was going around the hotel to see if anyone was going to finally confess to the murder since they had nothing to lose anymore.

In one room was the cleaning lady of the hotel. She was usually very pretty and collected, but at this point she was kneeling on the floor, hands over her face, and eventually crumpled over so her elbows touched the floor, sobbing quietly in anguish. I tried to talk to her, but nothing could get through.

I decided to check some other rooms but most were empty or the people's stories checked out and I was convinced they were not the murderer. Eventually I came back to the room with the crying lady to see if I could finally talk to her, but she wouldn't respond. I decided to check out the rest of the room, and I went in to the closet.

Inside, behind the hanging clothes, I found the murder weapon and a controller for the stage's lights and rotation. When I walked back out of the closet, I didn't hear the sobbing any longer. The woman was sitting on the bed with a blank expression, eyes red, and fading pink palm prints on her cheeks where she had pressed her face earlier. She was either deep in thought or her mind had finally broken.

As I walked around the room I told her what I saw, and that I knew what she had done. She didn't care or respond though, the end of the world was already at hand for her. I walked toward the bed -- she still hadn't moved -- and started to think about how I could go back three day's time and prevent the murder before I worked on finding a way to prevent the impending destruction of the world.

I sat down on the bed next to her and immediately she grabbed my hair and pulled me to face her. She moved her hand to the back of my head, leaned in, and pulled me in to make out. The sky turned red and black outside the window, but I just stayed there kissing her. While in the act, I recognized that I was a terrible person, but enjoyed it anyway. I lost all sense of time, and eventually the moon crashed in to the city, killing us all before I could jump back in time, and I woke up.


  1. hmmmm.
    so maybe it's more like you're searching for something...and you don't care about anything else because you've found it :)
    like love? or lust?

  2. it does sound like a video game though :) pretty sweet
