Friday, July 17, 2009

Virtual Insanity

I dreaming that I was in a virtual reality world. I was on a dock in a dark room that opened up to other rooms on all sides. Each of the rooms around it were exactly the same except rotated at random 90 degree turns from each other. The rooms continued infinitely in all directions.

There was a merman at the end of each dock sitting on a comfortable custom seat, and there were lots of people coming through this world to see.

After becoming bored of the merperson I asked a girl to dance. She stepped up on to one of the dock's wooden pegs because she was pretty short and we began to dance. She kept her face away when I went in for a kiss so I decided to progress more slowly. I held her close with my hands at the small of her back, and after a while she pulled me even closer and grabbed my ass with both hands. I copied her and we danced a bit harder with our hips locked.

Eventually when she had her head up I kissed her on the lips lightly and we continued dancing. We were interrupted be a fight between two people happening nearby. The person who won the fight was being obnoxious and disruptive so I stopped dancing, grabbed a trenching tool from a hardware bag on the dock and swung it horizontally at his face. It dug in deeply, and he fell off the dock in to the water and turned in to an underwater plant. I went in the water and dug the shovel in to it, slicing it in half, and it disintegrated in to a green haze. When I got back up on the dock, the people watching were concerned that I might have done enough damage to hurt him in real life, even though I had only killed him in the virtual reality game. Either from greater knowledge of the game or cold indifference, I wasn't concerned in the least.

It turned out that the person I had just mercilessly killed was in control of the server and he came back and charged after me with a crazed, illogical intensity. He threw spells at me that melted the parts of me they hit with a kind of space-warping shock wave. It was as if they rearranged the matter in a golf-ball sized piece of me, and created a large visual distortion like I had been hit with a ball of semi-transparent mercury that splashed where it hit and left a dark cloud in its wake. I decided to switch to another server that was running the same map.

The one I went to was mainly empty, but there was a list of pictures on the wall of non-player, simulated characters that could be summoned as friendly adventurers to accompany you. There were three long rows, and the bottom halves of the faces of the people on the list were obscured by a large blue cloth draped across the entire row. In one of the pictures the girl had a sparkle in only one eye and I recognized her immediately, but I decided that summoning a computer simulation of her would be just too creepy, and I decided to walk around the server to try to find a real person.

While wandering, I ran in to the guy who had attacked me earlier. He was following me across servers, and had control over this one and all the ones running this particular map. For some reason I was unable to disconnect, and he changed the map to something resembling a prison compound. I ran out the door of the main building immediately, and on to a long set of wide steps that led in a curving path to a different set of buildings. The steps were red clay, and the sides were white adobe topped with bright green plants. It seemed that the entire path was cut through dense foliage on either side.

He attacked me on the stairs with a new array of projectile spells that shot at me extremely quickly. I could only move a few inches in the time between the flash of the shot and the time it hit me.

I ran in to the nearest building and it was filled with giant boxes of office supplies. One box was full of note cards, starting with the small 300 packs, which were grouped in to bundles of three, which in turn were grouped in bulk-shippable bunches of 18, and so on until it was a unit about thirty feet square and one story tall.

The revengeful maniac sent four people after me. One was too slow and stayed behind, but the other three began to catch up with me. I convinced them to join me, and we hid on top of one of the latge boxes by lying flat. The many was far off, wandering around and coming closer, wondering where everyone had gone.

I left the three there and made my way across the tops of the densely-spaced boxes toward a wall. When I got to the wall, I saw a 2ft gap between the boxes and the wall, so I got down there and followed the wall away from the entrance and toward the back. On my way, I passed a clear box filled with old televisions with giant gray curved glass fronts, fully three feet diagonal. Once I reached the back corner, I saw a small gap I could squeeze though to get outside. I went through and, finally safe, woke up.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Messed up Murder Mystery

I had a dream that I was in a world similar to the one in Zelda: Majora's Mask, where the moon was going to crash in to the city, so end of the world was inevitable and everyone only had three days to live. I had a special ability and I could reset time to go back to the first day and live it again. My goal was to fix all the problems with the city, and then stop the moon from crashing in to the world so everyone was saved and happy.

One of the tasks I took upon myself was to solve a murder mystery. On the first day everyone was watching a play, and then the stage and actors unexpectedly rotated out of view. When the stage had rotated all the way around, we all saw that the main actress had been stabbed!

I followed various trails for the next couple days but none of them led anywhere. Eventually, on the night of the last day when everyone was freaking out and having their existential crises, I was going around the hotel to see if anyone was going to finally confess to the murder since they had nothing to lose anymore.

In one room was the cleaning lady of the hotel. She was usually very pretty and collected, but at this point she was kneeling on the floor, hands over her face, and eventually crumpled over so her elbows touched the floor, sobbing quietly in anguish. I tried to talk to her, but nothing could get through.

I decided to check some other rooms but most were empty or the people's stories checked out and I was convinced they were not the murderer. Eventually I came back to the room with the crying lady to see if I could finally talk to her, but she wouldn't respond. I decided to check out the rest of the room, and I went in to the closet.

Inside, behind the hanging clothes, I found the murder weapon and a controller for the stage's lights and rotation. When I walked back out of the closet, I didn't hear the sobbing any longer. The woman was sitting on the bed with a blank expression, eyes red, and fading pink palm prints on her cheeks where she had pressed her face earlier. She was either deep in thought or her mind had finally broken.

As I walked around the room I told her what I saw, and that I knew what she had done. She didn't care or respond though, the end of the world was already at hand for her. I walked toward the bed -- she still hadn't moved -- and started to think about how I could go back three day's time and prevent the murder before I worked on finding a way to prevent the impending destruction of the world.

I sat down on the bed next to her and immediately she grabbed my hair and pulled me to face her. She moved her hand to the back of my head, leaned in, and pulled me in to make out. The sky turned red and black outside the window, but I just stayed there kissing her. While in the act, I recognized that I was a terrible person, but enjoyed it anyway. I lost all sense of time, and eventually the moon crashed in to the city, killing us all before I could jump back in time, and I woke up.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pixel Perfect

I dreamed that I was looking at an old video game, which used 2D sprites on an isometric 3D landscape.

For some reason, there was a limitation in the game engine that required every object in the game to stand on a single square of the grid, but there were no other limitations. This meant that there were gigantic objects balanced on tiny little feet in order to take up only one square. One of them was a big globe with a person standing on top, and the entire thing was balanced precariously on a tiny stone column.

I skimmed through the world until I reached what was obviously the end of the level. There was a large door for the exit, but in front of it were a series of three colored doors that required corresponding keys to get though. I looked around and saw many other colored doors leading to other places, some of which had keys behind them. I knew that this was going to be my favorite type of puzzle.

I enjoy games that open an entire world lobby to you initially, but require you to discover and unlock many new areas to progress. There is no obvious starting point, and if you work it out wrong in your head you can waste a lot of time running around the level and running in to locked doors. Or worse, you might use a key in the wrong door and have to start over!

I spent a lot of time looking around the level and peering through doors, plotting the path I would have to take in order to solve the puzzle. I started to wonder if I should push or pull some of the items standing around the level to see what would happen; maybe a switch would activate, or I could get in to a basement.

When I was just starting to make my way toward what I concluded to be the best place to start, I woke up. I was pretty frustrated, and it took me around four hours after waking before I felt like my mind was clear and awake.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dreaming of being Drugged

I had a very, very weird dream last night. It was also extremely enjoyable though.

I was going to party with some friends that I hadn't partied with before at their place. The walls were bare, bright, and white, with light colored carpet like many student apartments. Everything had a healthy glow of sunlight coming from a large window.

After two glasses of some clear mixed drink, it became very obvious to me that there was something other than alcohol in the drink. I was feeling profoundly uncoordinated, and I just wanted to lay on the floor and relax. Around me, everything had become much brighter and blurrier, as if my eyes were a camera severely overexposing each shot.

I was looking at the window out at the bright sunlight, and a smiling face came in to view out of the pure whiteness with a glare all around her face from the window behind her. I was laughing and totally out of it, and I felt like I should kiss her just because. Getting off the ground turned out to be difficult so I just tugged at her so that she would come lay on the floor too.

Opening and closing my eyes didn't seem to make a difference in the least. My vision was slow, and the afterimages stayed so long that I had almost no idea what was going on in the present. I thought that when I closed my eyes, time was probably passing but I couldn't be sure. I told the girl I wanted to give her a kiss, so she kissed me twice cautiously and quickly on the lips. She paused a second and looked at me in the eyes, and then kissed me again, this time longer and with a tongue poking at my lips. Try as I might, I was really not able to focus on what was happening, and I couldn't even figure out if my mouth was open or closed, but I didn't really care because I was feeling great becoming lost in my senses in my own bright and confusing world.

A while later I rolled over and sat up. I was a little bit more balanced and clear, but I held on to the feeling from before. I decided I should give the girl a kiss, but I probably just ended up falling on her for support instead because as I was leaning closer to her, I began to lose my sense of time and place. I opened and closed my eyes but I saw nothing but a bright glow with vague tan blurs that must have been people. I felt like I was slowly tipping over in one direction, but I never ran in to anything and just kept drifting.

Eventually I sobered up and I could once again recognize the people and objects around me, and I woke up.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Abandoned Cavern

An anonymous source gave me coordinates to a secret place that was supposed to be very cool. I had to check it out right away. I followed a GPS, and I ended up in a dusty parking lot sparsely populated by run-down cars. One car with no wheels or roof was directly on the coordinates I was given, so I got in on the driver's side. At my feet was a narrow tunnel leading down. It was padded on all sides with leather seat cushions from very old cars.

At the end of the tunnel there was a drop. I fell a short distance and looked around me. I was in a giant, abandoned underground cave that looked like it had once been a mine and was perhaps halfway converted to being a concert hall. The tunnel I came from was too high to get to, and completely concealed in the jagged ceiling, so I would have to find another way out.

To my right was a long line of broken down vehicles, ranging from small cars up to heavy construction equipment. There was a roof over them, I assumed to keep them from collecting too much dust.

I went into an alcove at the end of the tunnel that was lighting up the room. There was a large opening above the floor that led to a long hallway with windows along each side that were blocked with concrete on the other side of them. The ceiling was flat and narrow because the walls tapered into arches leading to it, and it was a uniform bright white that gave a diffuse glow to the room. I assumed the ceiling was opaque white glass that led to the surface.

I walked around and found a cardboard box in the weeds growing all over the place. There were some interesting old artifacts in the box. I found a few more old books and some leather and brass trinkets around in the grass and put them in the box too.

I turned and went back to the large main room and was about to go around a big pile of dirt when I heard more people further inside. I peeked around the pile and saw that they were wearing hard hats and some were driving small carts around.

To my right I noticed a huge machine. It was a front-loading bulldozer with a patchwork steel and concrete composite armor over it (the killdozer) but the armor was cracked and fallen off in places, keeping the bulldozer from going anywhere. This was unfortunate, because I could have used it to escape without being harmed. Since there was no way to get the machine running, I would have to escape with my cardboard box covertly.

I darted as quickly as I could (while still remaining silent) behind the parked vehicles to the opposite end of the room. I didn't think anyone heard me, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being chased, and my heart and head were pounding. Once out of the main room, I found myself up along the outside of a large spherical structure, (I figured it was another room) with ramps leading up and down along the sides of it. I wanted to reach the bottom so that I could get to what looked like an exit.

Near the bottom, the ramps stopped and there was a drop of about 15 feet. There was a large curved pipe leading to the ground, but it tapered as it went up, and the piece near me was small enough that it snapped like chalk when I tested it with my hand. On the ground below me, I was startled to see two adventurers like myself. They said they had strayed from some kind of guided tour of the caves, and were wondering if this was a good place to get up into the older areas that the tour didn't go. I told them that I would show them a better way in if they would catch me as I jumped down. They agreed, and I dropped my box to them, then lowered myself as much as I could from the ledge and let go, falling back so that both of them could cushion my fall.

Once safely down, we walked up a steep incline back to where the tour was taking place. There were rope barriers like in a museum blocking entry to anything interesting, and the tour guide had her back to a large open area, similar to the one I saw the workers in. The room was much brighter, and everything was relatively clean, however. The entrance/exit was clearly marked, and we ended up in the parking lot. I took them far behind the surface building that marked the main entrance to the rusted cars. I showed them the special car with the tunnel and warned them about the people I saw in there, and they thanked me and went down. I left happily with my cardboard box of little treasures.