Friday, December 26, 2008

Many Things

I was on the bottom floor of a dorm building, where the whole floor was a dark series of gym-style shower alcoves and bathroom stalls. There was a girl in pink following me playfully with a big smile on her face. We went all around the building, up and down stairs, through semi-hidden routes that involved climbing down the outside of the building in some places, and finally through the first floor area. She left and I walked to a house nearby and was transformed into a tiny black snake, that stood up like a letter S.

The house had two stories, and a carpeted staircase connected them. As a snake, I could absorb objects through my skin in order to grow. I could usually just move over small objects to pick them up. I found little pieces of paper, office supplies, and candies at first. As I got bigger, I absorbed larger things like the children's toys in one of the rooms.

If there were a group of objects all together, many of them would be left behind after I moved over them. To osmose a large number of objects at once, I would stop scooting around as an S shape and lay down on them, touching the stuff with my midsection, which felt like my abdomen. When I did that, the feeling was very strange. At first it hurt, having everything poking into me at such a defenseless part of me. The toys underneath me would then feel like they were melting under me, and the feeling of absorbing them felt good, but not in any way that I can easily describe using real-life feelings.

I would gain some mass proportional to what I incorporated into myself, and it would be distributed evenly so that I stayed the same shape but became larger. When I had finally reached the size of a human, I transformed into my normal self but retained the ability to absorb things.

The two kids living in the house came home and didn't notice anything missing. I found a giant toy they had that had an opening large enough for a person to fit into and it had a small dull-colored button near the opening. The whole thing was decorated with dinosaurs. When I began to climb inside I saw a portal back in time. I was determined to climb completely inside in order to go back in time, but each of my attempts ended in failure because the two kids would mess it up, and they eventually broke the toy.

I left the house and went back to the school where I started in order to gather support for my journey. I went to a large hall that seemed to be the heart of the school, with entrances on all sides where everyone passed through between classes. It also had a large number of seats like a lecture hall. I quickly gained a small following of people wanting to help me, and we decided that it would be possible to send me back in time at the beach the very next day, using the broken toy.

I was standing on a seat in the hall, and then walking around showing people my hand which read "let's go to the beach" which was a campaign slogan of sorts. By then there were a lot of friends trying to help me reach my goal of successful time travel.

One woman saw me and started ranting about how we were horrible people ruining society and corrupting little kids, and on and on. She obviously had mistaken us for some other people, or was at least overgeneralizing my group, so I concisely and respectfully countered her. She sat down and faced away from us, extremely embarrassed.

Some party-jock and his girlfriend sat in the row behind me. One of the two butch Asian lesbians I've met in real life (that's as specific as I can be, I couldn't tell which of the two it was) walked over next to me and the guy's girlfriend got up to get something. She came back with some food, which appeared to be cooked bean sprouts with garlic put inside each one. She offered them to me and the girl, and they tasted very good. She asked us if we could guess what the secret ingredient was. She paused only a short time and gave a hint, "it's not olive butter" at the same time that I guessed "olive oil." She said I guessed right, and it sure tasted like it.

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