Friday, March 27, 2009

Dreaming of being Drugged

I had a very, very weird dream last night. It was also extremely enjoyable though.

I was going to party with some friends that I hadn't partied with before at their place. The walls were bare, bright, and white, with light colored carpet like many student apartments. Everything had a healthy glow of sunlight coming from a large window.

After two glasses of some clear mixed drink, it became very obvious to me that there was something other than alcohol in the drink. I was feeling profoundly uncoordinated, and I just wanted to lay on the floor and relax. Around me, everything had become much brighter and blurrier, as if my eyes were a camera severely overexposing each shot.

I was looking at the window out at the bright sunlight, and a smiling face came in to view out of the pure whiteness with a glare all around her face from the window behind her. I was laughing and totally out of it, and I felt like I should kiss her just because. Getting off the ground turned out to be difficult so I just tugged at her so that she would come lay on the floor too.

Opening and closing my eyes didn't seem to make a difference in the least. My vision was slow, and the afterimages stayed so long that I had almost no idea what was going on in the present. I thought that when I closed my eyes, time was probably passing but I couldn't be sure. I told the girl I wanted to give her a kiss, so she kissed me twice cautiously and quickly on the lips. She paused a second and looked at me in the eyes, and then kissed me again, this time longer and with a tongue poking at my lips. Try as I might, I was really not able to focus on what was happening, and I couldn't even figure out if my mouth was open or closed, but I didn't really care because I was feeling great becoming lost in my senses in my own bright and confusing world.

A while later I rolled over and sat up. I was a little bit more balanced and clear, but I held on to the feeling from before. I decided I should give the girl a kiss, but I probably just ended up falling on her for support instead because as I was leaning closer to her, I began to lose my sense of time and place. I opened and closed my eyes but I saw nothing but a bright glow with vague tan blurs that must have been people. I felt like I was slowly tipping over in one direction, but I never ran in to anything and just kept drifting.

Eventually I sobered up and I could once again recognize the people and objects around me, and I woke up.