Sunday, June 29, 2008

Odd Food

I was in a bakery cafe in a place that looked like it was near the Apple campus where I work, but the atmosphere and people reminded me of a place in Berkeley. I was given a taste test of a very odd flavor. I tried for the longest time to think of what it was. I vaguely remembered that it reminded me of a flavor with some kind of historical significance, and was being sold all over the store as something completely new as many old things are. I eventually concluded that the closest I could come to describe it was that it tasted like some kind of juice with a hint of new car smell, with perhaps some hint of worn leather.

I went around the store looking for breads and pastries. There were thousands of them, but most of them were very expensive and too fancy for me to bother trying to appreciate. After looking through everything, I picked a circular dome shaped pastry covered in spiky chocolate chips and (upon closer inspection) tiny black cherries.

I had seen someone pick out a larger pastry tray from the back of the pastry case, but there were none in the back of this case. I found a smaller tray in an alcove neat some fruit and used that to carry my odd spiky pastry.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Apartment Hunting

I was looking for an apartment with someone from work instead of my friend who I was going to room with in real life. The apartment was one we had visited before, except there was a door in the closet that led to another room that I hadn't seen before. Inside the room was a huge bed that had lights under it so that it glowed.

The lady selling the place remembered who I was and wondered why I was looking for an apartment with someone new, and set the rent to a price slightly higher than before. I lowered my offer by $270 on a computer terminal and then woke up.